Facebook. Bebo. Twitter. Myspace.
These are all sites which are growing more and more popular. They are a great way of keeping in touch with friends, putting across your thoughts, posting photos and hearing what other people have to say. People everywhere are getting addicted to social networking sites. But are they a good or bad thing? I have lost count of the number of times I start to do something productive and get distracted by the 'pop' of facebook chat, signalling that someone - usually someone i have just seen or spoken to, or my flatmate a couple of rooms away(!) - wants to chat about something. And every time I get sucked into it, ending up looking at the time and realising that the hour I meant to spent doing something in particular I have infact spent doing pretty much nothing! This, I suppose, is the day and age that we live in, and I will put my hands up and say that, shallow as it sounds, I would be pretty lost now without it! Once you've used it and started to get the 'bug' it would be pretty hard to stop, and I use it all the time to keep in contact with friends who are further away than I'd like them to be and I don't see as much as I used to. However, when it comes to trying to do work, I sometimes wish I hadn't got into it - I'm sure I would get a lot more done in a shorter space of time!
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