My thoughts, reflections and inspirations within the world of design...

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Social Networking Sites - Good or Bad?

Facebook. Bebo. Twitter. Myspace.

These are all sites which are growing more and more popular. They are a great way of keeping in touch with friends, putting across your thoughts, posting photos and hearing what other people have to say. People everywhere are getting addicted to social networking sites. But are they a good or bad thing? I have lost count of the number of times I start to do something productive and get distracted by the 'pop' of facebook chat, signalling that someone - usually someone i have just seen or spoken to, or my flatmate a couple of rooms away(!) - wants to chat about something. And every time I get sucked into it, ending up looking at the time and realising that the hour I meant to spent doing something in particular I have infact spent doing pretty much nothing! This, I suppose, is the day and age that we live in, and I will put my hands up and say that, shallow as it sounds, I would be pretty lost now without it! Once you've used it and started to get the 'bug' it would be pretty hard to stop, and I use it all the time to keep in contact with friends who are further away than I'd like them to be and I don't see as much as I used to. However, when it comes to trying to do work, I sometimes wish I hadn't got into it - I'm sure I would get a lot more done in a shorter space of time!

Wonderwall - Godiva Shop

Whilst on website, I came across this article about design company Wonderwall's renovation of chocolate shop Godiva. It made me think about what a great design it was - not only because it looks good (which it does) but because it is making the shopper want to buy the product. What could make you want chocolate more than walking into a shop in which it seems like chocolate is dripping from the ceiling and running down the walls? Wonderwall have succeeded in doing something which sometimes I wonder if shop designers forget about? See more about this and their other designs at their website: Its worth a look!

Credit Crunch?

The UK is in a recession for the first time in 16 years. What is said to be the longest one since 1955, when records began. According to experts, when it will end is uncertain. But is it affecting all areas of business?

Interior Design's Top 100 Giants earned a collective $2,697,678,869 between them in 2008! The biggest earning interiors company this is Gensler (San Francisco) which brought in (in millions) $285.000 and not only do they have 1140 design staff, they are worth (in millions) today $5700.00. And yes, this may be the number 1 company, but in 100th place, Anderson Mikos Architects (Illinois) still brought in (in millions) $7.478 and are worth (again in millions) $62.44.

Along with this, it is guessed that at least 5000 bankers in the UK will earn more than a million this year, and RBS are planning to spend £1.5 billion this year alone on investment banking staff bonuses! They have been warned that this is ridiculous, however the RBS board has threatened to quit if the move is blocked by the government.

It is said that pizza and takeaway companies will not suffer company Firezza have said that their sales are increasing steadily by 5% every year, as people are now realising that getting in a takeaway is a lot cheaper than going out for a meal.

Its good to know that although some of our favourite shops are in danger of closing down, we dont have to worry about our favourite takeaway companies disappearing!! And that, despite the current economic climate, jobs in the interiors industry are still doing well.

*Assignment 4*

The book Criminological Theory, written by J. Robert Lilly, Francis T. Cullen and Richard A. Ball, looks at various different aspects of crime, including crime in American society, the links between crime and delinquency, gender and criminology and the development of criminals throughout their life course.

Criminological Theory looks at how crime is becoming more and more common in American society, and how murder reports are becoming so common that people are now giving them about the same amount of attention they give to sports results. The crime rates in America are decreasing, but there are still a very high number of American people who are robbed, assaulted and raped every year. It discusses the links between crime and delinquency, and how this tends to be passed down through generations. Sociologist Albert K. Cohen believed that the reasons for crime in groups of disadvantaged youths was due to problems in schools (page 61). Due to the fact that these youths come from disadvantaged backgrounds, they do not have the same socialisation skills as those from upper class families, therefore they feel as though they cannot compete with the more affluent children at school. This leads to them rebelling against principles that people from a higher social class respect (for example responsibility, ambition, politeness and anger control) and resorting to behaviour which goes against these principles such as violence, vandalism, graffiti and truancy. By doing this it makes them feel like they have gained a social status amongst their peers.

These youths do not have a lot of opportunity to be successful in their lives, which then also leads them to crime such as this. However, sociologists Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin came to the conclusion, after looking at writing by the Chicago theorists, that to be in a gang, or become a criminal, you need contacts (page 63). Although these youths may not have opportunities in school or on the career path, they have the contacts to achieve higher social status within it by joining a gang or becoming a thief. As with anything, the need to know people is great when it comes to moving up the ladder, whether it be in social status or in a career. In design, to start a practise, or become better known, it is useful to know the people who can help make this happen. The youths also show a degree of intelligence by taking these opportunities available to them. Although these may not be the kind of opportunities which are put across to them as ’good’ in school, they have recognised that they will get somewhere, even if it is only in their social circle, by taking these opportunities. This links to design and how designers must take advantage of the opportunities they are given, even if it means they will only get further in their field and not overall, as it is important to think that small changes will have a greater effect in the bigger picture.

Criminological Theory also discusses James Q. Wilson and George Kelling’s ‘Broken Windows Theory’, which is looked into in Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point (page 141). This theory suggests that if a window is broken in a neighbourhood (a ‘broken rule’) and that window is then promptly fixed, it sends a message to criminals that the area is well looked after and cared for. However, if the window is then left broken, the message is put across that it is ok to do this, therefore the vandalism will continue and the rules will continue to be broken (page 258). In design, this theory also works, although in a slightly different way. If one designer stretches his/her boundaries, it will then start a trend in the design world, whether it be in fashion, interiors or graphics. If no one was to start designing out with the lines, design would not move forward, and new fashions would not arise. Therefore, although in a different context, the broken windows theory is important to designers and the design community.

David Funder’s article Towards a resolution of the personality triad: persons, situations and behaviour from the Journal of Research in Personality 40 looks at the connection between personality and situation, which links to the part in The Tipping Point about personality changing in different situations. It discusses the ‘personality triad’ (introduction), which involves persons, situations and behaviour, and not only how the person and the situation conclude the behaviour of the person, but how any two also decide on the third.

The journal also discusses a study by the author David Funder and Randy Colvin Explorations in Behavioural Consistency: Properties of persons, situations and behaviours (1991). In this study two undergraduates from the opposite sex were placed in a room together and filmed. The conclusion of this was that levels of anxiety and insecurity were high, and many of the people kept the other at a distance, sometimes not showing much interest in them. However, when the experiment was done for a second time, using the same group of people paired up differently - again with a member of the opposite sex - the levels of insecurity and tension were much lower, and the undergraduates were more likely to behave more friendly towards his/her partner, showing signs of being comfortable in the surroundings and showing more expression than the first time. This study is an excellent example of how personality can change in different situations, as although in the second experiment the people had still never met the person with whom they were partnered with, the small fact that they had been in the situation before was enough to relax them and make them feel more comfortable. It also demonstrates the importance of situation and how very minor changes in situation can create major changes in behaviour.

Funder also looks at the links between behavioural consistency and situational similarity, discussing how when a familiar situation arises, the person is likely to fall into the same behavioural pattern which they adopted previously in a similar situation.

In design, it is important for personality to change in different situations, as different projects and clients require different strengths and skills, as well as sometimes a change in the way things are done. The links between behavioural consistency and situational similarity are also important in the design world when taking on projects or clients similar to those done or worked with before.

Having looked at Criminological Theory and Towards a resolution of the personality triad: persons, situations and behaviour in detail has emphasised the importance of some of the points looked at in Gladwell’s The Tipping Point and how they relate to matters in the design world. The ‘Broken Windows Theory’ in particular, which is also discussed in B.J. Doran’s article Investigating the Spatiotemporal links between disorder, crime and the fear of crime (2005) which I mentioned in an earlier assignment, is important when creating new trends in the design world and creating new boundaries for designers. Breaking rules and stretching boundaries is something which I feel needs to be done in the world of design.

Funder’s article advances Criminological Theory by going into detail about personality changes, which are discussed in the book in relation to children and the behavioural changes they go through when situations or their environment changes (page 319) which then can resort in antisocial behaviour either then or in later life. The journal article goes into depth about how personality changes in smaller situations, such as day to day changes, and not just in the bigger picture and over the life course, which is more what Criminological Theory looks at.

To research these topics further, I would read many of Funder’s other articles on studies he, along with others, has taken part in to further investigate personality. One of these is an article by Funder and Mike Furr; Situational Similarity and Behavioural Consistency: Subjective, objective, variable-centred and person-centred approaches from the Journal of Research in Personality 38 (2004). The two studies mentioned in this article stem from the experiments discussed in Funder’s journal article, and would create a better insight into the investigation of personality changes. Another article is Personality, from the Annual Review of Psychology 52 (2001), also by Funder, which looks into how personality is apparent in behaviour and has a major effect on it. Something else which I could do would be interviewing sociologist and psychologists, or looking into their works, and investigating the experiments they have done to come to conclusions about personality, its effect, changes in it, and how important it is. I could also conduct research into how designers use personality in their work, and aim to discover how important it is for a designer to have a certain type of personality, whether it be in a managerial situation or in a client-based situation. I would also aim to read in further detail and research one of the journals I mentioned in a previous assignment about stress and the effects of a job with a high level of responsibility on stress levels (The sociological study of stress. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour) as I feel that this is an important issue in the research into personality changes and how stress levels - particularly if in relation to a person’s job - can affect one’s personality, as a job in the design industry can be very stressful.


Ball, R.A. Cullen, F.T. & Lilly, R.J. (2007). Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences, 4th Edition. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Doran, B.J. (2005) Investigating the Spatiotemporal Links between disorder, crime and the fear of crime. Professional Geographer 57 (1): 1-12 Feb 2005.

Funder, D.C. (2006) Towards a resolution of the personality triad: Persons, situations and behaviours. Journal of research in personality 40 (1): 21-34 Feb 2006.

Funder, D.C. & Ozer, D.J. (1983) Behaviour as a function of the situation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 44(1), Jan 1983, 107-112.

Funder, D.C. & Colvin, C.R. (1991) Explorations in behavioural consistency: Properties of persons, situations, and behaviours. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Vol 60(5), May 1991, 773-794.

Gladwell, Malcolm (2000). The Tipping Point. United Kingdom: Little Brown Book Group

Pearlin, L.I. (1989). The sociological study of stress. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, Vol 30, No 3, pp 241-256.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Christmas Countdown

1st December and the countdown to Christmas begins! Advent calenders, Christmas lights, mince pies and mistletoe. But where is the real spirit of Christmas? Has Christmas turned into simply another reason for shops to make money, so commercialised that we now have forgotten the reason it started in the first place? At home the Christmas lights have been up (and on) since November, and the shop windows filled with tinsel and lights, not to mention the latest 'bargain' buys for the holiday season, whether it be decorations, toys and gifts, trees or festive food. What happened to the Christmas feeling, where family and friends gather and exchange stories and laughter, not gifts, and talked about the past year and the hopes for the new year? Is this disappearing simply due to the commercial value of Christmas nowadays, the fact that the shops seem to have taken over us at this and many other times of year?
When I heard in our Christmas lecture about the mayhem of Black Friday in America, where a shop assisstant was killed in the stampede of customers rushing to get the best bargain for their christmas shopping, I couldn't help but think: is this really what has become of christmas spirit?

Monday, 30 November 2009

Global warming. Everyone is talking about it. There are articles on the internet discussing the effects of it ( and programmes on tv looking at how companies, as well as the general public, can help prevent it (Panorama, BBC1 30/11/09, 8.30pm) and adverts on tv trying to 'guilt trip' people into thinking about it, like the adverts on stv put on by the Act on CO2 campaign featuring a young girl as the planet's future ( and the Environmental defence's advert ( which tries the same approach - showing the future generations of the planet. So why is this message not getting to everyone? The government and environmentalists keep going on about how important it is for us to do things to help reduce the effects of global warming and things such as the polar ice caps melting - cut down on the use of carrier bags, recycle as much as possible, and encourage renewable energy (wind power, water power etc.) but is everyone embracing this? Using 'bags for life' and putting things in a recycle bin seem to be a fairly easy task, but is everyone doing them? And what about renewable energy? It is such an important thing now that you would think everyone would be in favour of it.

There are currently 2718 wind turbines in the UK ( and these turbines reduce the CO2 in the air by 4456188 tonnes per year. However, despite this and all of the many other positive points that wind farms have, there are still more proposals rejected than accepted. People object against them, saying they are too noisy, will bring their house value down, are an eye sore, but studies show that a wind turbine only emmits 35-45 db from 350m away (less than a car travelling at 40mph 100m away) and around the same noise level as a quiet bedroom (also 35 db). And personally, I don't see how something like a wind turbine can be seen as an eyesore when the countryside is covered in electricity pylons! If the government wants to meet its target - and promise - of having 20% of energy from renewable sources by 2020, they are going to have to get people to face up to the fact that this may be one of the most important ways to reduce global warming and climate change. Is having a wind farm to look at out of your window really such a bad thing if it means that global warming effects will decrease and we are saving the planet for the generations that are still to come?
Find out more about wind, wave and tidal energy on the British Wind Energy Association's website:

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Furniture's Decreasing Value

"Money isn't everything but it ranks right up there with oxygen" (Rita Davenport)
Furniture used to be something special, it had a lot of value. People would use a whole years wages just to buy a peice of furniture, so it had meaning and significance to that person. Now, with the introduction of cheap stores which mass produce furniture like Ikea and Habitat, the value of furniture is decreasing. Nowadays, easy access to cheap (and cheaply made) furniture means that many people don't feel the need to save up for ages to buy one peice of quality, well made furniture. Stores like Ikea mean that people can now afford to buy furniture more often, therefore there is less need to buy something that will last a lifetime, as a replacement can be bought when a room is redecorated, or the furniture breaks. This is making the value of furniture go down. The thought of having to spend a year's wages on a peice of furniture now seems slightly ridiculous, but it is probably the reason why furniture once had such a high value, and often sentimental value, to its owner. But is this going into the idea that money can't buy you happiness? It gives the impression that something like a peice of furniture can only be special to someone if they spent a lot of money on this true? Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but it does create an attachment to the objects you spent a lot of it buying.
BBC News article on whether or not money can buy you happiness:


This exhibition is showing just now at LOOK gallery in L.A. Design firms were paired with local artists and the exhibition had no limits.


5 websites useful for keeping us informed about interior design/architecture:

5 websites good for keeping up to date with news and current affairs:


Sentimental (adj)

  1. expressive of or appealing to sentiment, esp. the tender emotions and feelings, as love, pity, or nostalgia: a sentimental song.

  2. pertaining to or dependent on sentiment: We kept the old photograph for purely sentimental reasons.

  3. weakly emotional; mawkishly susceptible or tender: the sentimental Victorians.

  4. characterized by or showing sentiment or refined feeling.

The thought of sentimentality is often a negative one...something sentimental is often something which brings back memories, starts a person reminiscing. Something passed down by a family member before they died, something given to someone by a boyfriend/girlfriend. Why is it seen as negative to remember? And does something sentimental always bring back these memories when you look at it?

Something sentimental is usually something obvious - a peice of jewellery which is always worn, a photo in a purse or wallet, a teddy which is slept with every night. It is something which everyone close to you knows about. But sometimes it isn't. Sometimes it is something private, personal which not many people know about. After speaking to people about their sentimental possessions for our project, I realised that some of the objects which were sentimental to the people close to me I didn't know about. Maybe what makes some things sentimental is the fact that only the person which it has meaning to knows about it.

Negativity and sentimentality are often linked. Something sentimental can often be given to you by someone no longer in your life, a family member or a friend. This type of object brings up memories. But these memories are not always negative. Some things may also bring up happy memories, and no sad ones. However, these memories may not always be brought up. A sentimental object which is seen every day might not immediately make you start thinking, it may be that the memories are only brought up if you start thinking about them. So is something sentimental really linked to negativity?

Monday, 16 November 2009

Annotated Bibliography

Andrews, D.A. & Bonta, J.
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct (Third Edition)
Cincinnati, Anderson Publishing Co.
Discusses reasons for crime being situational as well as personal, which relates to the point made in "The Tipping Point" about personality changing in different situations, and the influence of the people around us.

Ball, R.A. Cullen, F.T. & Lilly, R.J.
Criminological Theory - Context and Consequences (4th Edition)
London, Sage Publications Ltd.
Looks at the links between opportunity and delinquency, and how a lot of the people involved in crime have little opportunities in life (e.g. education, jobs). It also, again, examines the "Broken Windows" theory and the tolerance of crime and delinquency in certain areas, which then leads to the problem getting bigger.

Breen, W.E. Elhai, J.D. & Kashdan, T.B.
Social Anxiety and Disinhibition: An analysis of Curiosity and Social Rank Appraisals, Approach - Avoidance Conflicts, and Disruptive Risk-Taking Behaviour
Journal of Anxiety Disorders, vol 22, no.6, pp925-939, Aug 2008
Looks into curiosity and how people will show "disinhibited behaviours" to acheive a higher social status, and how curiosity is linked to social anxiety in different groups of people.

Carrabine, E. Iganski, P. Lee, M. Plummer, K. & South, N.
Criminology - A Sociological Introduction
Oxon, Routledge
Looks at various different aspects of crime, including how crime is more frequent in disadvantaged areas, and patterns in different types of crime, e.g. property crime, which has risen and decreased rapidly since the late 18th century.

Doran, BJ
Investigating the Spatiotemporal Links between Disorder, Crime, and the Fear of Crime
Professional Geographer 57 (1): 1-12 Feb 2005
Looks at how crime and disorder vary over periods of time and space, and how graffiti is one of the most widespread types of crime. It also looks at the "Broken Windows" theory which is discussed in "The Tipping Point".

Funder, D.C.
Towards a Resolution of the Personality Triad: Persons, situations and behaviours
Journal of Research in Personality 40 (1): 21-34 Feb 2006
Looks at the connection between personality and situation, and the variation in behaviour of people in different situations and how a small change in the situation can have a large affect.

Laub, J.H. & Sampson, R.J.
Crime and Deviance in the Life Course
Annual Review of Sociology, Vol 18 pp 63-84
Discusses the links between age and crime and how crimes decline and grow throughout peoples' life course.

Pearlin, L.I.
The Sociological Study of Stress
Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, Vol 30, No3, pp241-256
Examines stress research and how research could be changed. It also looks at the social and institutional statuses of people in relation to stress (i.e. jobs with a lot of responsobility, high social status in a neighborhood, etc)

Tryon, G.S. & Vinski, E.J.
Study of a Cognitive Dissonance Intervention to Address High School Students' Cheating Attitudes and Behaviours
Ethics and Behaviour, vol 19, no3, pp218-226, May 2009
Discusses a experiment used to try and decrease the number of students cheating, and how the experiment did not show what was expected.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Power of Context and IED

So how does the Power of Context relate to IED? This mind map gives some examples.
This task really added to my understanding of the chapter, and it makes you think about how the two subjects are interlinked. The way different situations affect personality is important, as this is true in different projects, groups and spaces. Designers need to be adaptable to their projects and clients and adopt different responsobilities for these, just as the guards and prisoners had to do in the prison experiment in this chapter. The understanding of background and social class is also an important area, as designers must have a full understanding of their client, regardless of their class or background. For example the Peckham library in London, which was mentioned in the lecture with Mike Press. The designers of this would have had to study the backgrounds and social groups of the people who the library was for. After doing this they discovered that kids in the area needed somewhere to study, but also eat. So the decision was made to change the usual library rules and allow food and drinks. Change, and breaking the rules, may originally be thought of as a risk - but is it a risk that should be taken? Opportunity is opportunity, whatever the situation, and it is people making the most of opportunity and taking risks that creates the changes in ideas, fashion and trends that are needed.

Group Brainstorm

I found this task very useful. It was good to get talking to other people and see what there opinions were on this chapter. Also it was good to have a few minds putting in comments to the brainstorm, I felt it was a good thing to do before I started my own mind map. It is interesting to see how everyone relates the power of context back to different aspects of IED, and it really gets you thinking about the different ways in which they are linked.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

The Tipping Point

I have recently read The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, for Design Studies. The book describes how situations - 'epidemics' - happen, how they have a point where they 'tip', going from something not particularly popular to something extremely popular, a trend which everyone follows. Examples given of this are Hush Puppies, how they went from being a shoe noone wore, an 'uncool' shoe, to a shoe that designers were using, haute couture. And all this because of a few kids, who wanted to be cool and wore hush puppies simply because noone else did, because it made them individual, unique. Another example is suicide rates. How can one person commiting suicide start a craze? Its very strange but true, the rates of suicides go up in an area after one person in that area commits suicide. If someone famous commits suicide, the rates also go up. If someone young commits suicide, the number of young people in fatal road traffic accidents increases steadily for a few days before dropping, and the same goes for older people. This is the Tipping Point.

I chose to focus on the chapter 'The Power of Context'. I found this chapter very interesting as it goes into peoples' personalities, how they change. The way peoples' personalities change depending on where they are, who they are with, what situation they are in. A normally quiet person can change into a dictator type person, just by being given a small slice of power. This was proved in Stanford University's experiment, led by Philip Zimbardo, of making a 'prison' and putting people as gaurds and people as prisoners. The guards found that power went to their heads, the prisoners broke down, could not cope. The experiment was stopped after 6 days, although it was supposed to run for 2 weeks.

Unfortunatley I can't get to a scanner right now as I am ill, and photos turn out too blurry, so my mind maps will be up soon!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

I am at Duncan of Jordanstone studying Interior and Environmental Design. We have just gone into second year, and at the moment we are doing a group project to do with Juteopolis, and how the Jute industry affected Dundee. We have to design an exhibition for the DCA about Juteopolis, or a part of it. We also have been given a wooden cube, which we are to use as a sort of 3D sketchbook , and this has to be designed in some way to symbolise Juteopolis too.